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The objective of the study programme is to develop human resources with the knowledge, skills, creativity, competency, and business perspective to solve the future energy-related challenges in an environmentally and financially sustainable manner. As identified in the National Energy Policy and Strategies of Sri Lanka (2017), the energy sector impacts significantly on society, economy and the environment along several essential aspects in energy supply such as assuring energy security, providing access to energy services, providing energy services at the optimum cost to the national economy, improving energy efficiency, enhancing self-reliance, caring for the environment, enhancing the share of renewable energy, strengthening the governance in the energy sector, securing future energy infrastructure and providing opportunities for innovation and entrepreneurship. To realize these energy sector targets, a need exists for capacity building and to enhance the educational needs for the development of the energy sector. Thus, the proposed study programme has been designed to respond to these concerns, paying careful attention to the demands in the energy industry in Sri Lanka.

In addition, a stakeholder survey conducted as part of the EUSL-Energy project revealed that there is a robust interest for an online MSc programme with greater flexibility by prospective students and a strong need for qualified persons in the industry as indicated by employers. While there is a good demand for an MSc programme in the energy sector in general, it was also found that a demand exists for a thematic focus on renewable energy, energy conservation and efficiency, sustainable energy development, energy management and circular economy. The proposed study programme thus addresses the needs of the energy industry while supporting to chart and enhance the career paths of those in the energy sector.

The objectives of the study programme are to provide career advancement and professional accomplishment of potential graduates with a broad foundation of knowledge and research experience at the frontiers of Energy Engineering, and skills for life-long learning and professional development with specialized careers in Sustainable Energy Technologies integrated with Circular Economy approaches in a variety of professional roles and settings.

Master of Science in Energy for Circular Economy